Educational Opportunities

We believe that continuing education for our school nurses is a vital part of keeping current in their careers and enables them to continue to manage their students with diabetes with confidence and with the most up-to-date foundation of knowledge!

We continue to offer our Managing Diabetes Care in the School and Child Care Settings Hands-On Traning each summer and 1-hour virtual mini-sessions covering a variety of topics throughout the school year.

  • Click “Buy Now” to register for classes when registration is open. 
  • Please do not share this link with those who are not registered
  • 1 contact hour of education will be awarded for those who have registered and completed the class (min. 50 minutes of participation)
  • Once you have completed the class (either live, or at a later date), your certificate will be emailed to you within 1 week
  • No refunds are available.  However, if you register for a class and are unable to attend, please contact us and we will send you a link to view the course at a later date or credit your account for a future class
  • After clicking “pay now” below, you will have the option of paying with your PayPal account or with a credit card.
  • You may also contact us at to shedule paying over the phone (through Square) or with Venmo.
  • If you use a different email than you want the zoom link sent to, please include that in “additional instructions” when you register.
CLASS 3:  Wednesday, April 9th, 1-2PM (MT):


• Speaker:  Lauren Gulley, PhD, Assistant Professor, Barbara Davis Center for Diabetes, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
• Focus of Presentation:

  • Review and discuss parameters and tips to determining levels of care and independence for students with diabetes in the school setting
  • Time for Q&A to share your personal concerns and experiences

Please note!  The zoom link will be emailed to the one you used to register 2 days prior to the event.  

Registration Options