Training and Delegation


Instruction Guidelines for Diabetes Management Tiered Training in Colorado: These guidelines provide an overview and instructions for utilizing the Diabetes Tiered Training model, delegation, documentation and supervision.

DIABETES SKILLS STANDARD TRAINING GUIDELINES: Training guidelines for individual skills to be used with the tiered training on the Diabetes Skills Check List and Diabetes Delegation Authorization & Supervision Record

New: BDC Pump Training Video: Password: BDCPumpPrep2019

New: TSlim-X2-School-RN-Tips Jan 2020:  School Nurse Tip Sheet for Tandem Tslim X2 Control IQ

New: – Guide for School Nurses and training school staff


NEW: Medtronic 670G School RN Final: Information to guide school nurses on the operation of the Medtronic 670G insulin pump system.

Helping the Student with Diabetes Succeed: A Guide for School Personnel (formerly NDEP) May 2020: The purpose of this guide is to educate school personnel about effective diabetes management and to share a set of practices that enable schools to ensure a safe learning environment for students with diabetes, particularly those who use insulin to control the disease (all students with type 1 and some with type 2 diabetes).

LOOKING FOR A TRAINING POWERPOINT?: ADA Safe at School: Diabetes Care Tasks at School: What Key Personnel Need to Know two-part training curriculum consisting of 13 PowerPoints with corresponding video segments.  It is intended for health care professionals to use to train school nurses and other school personnel on diabetes care tasks.

T1D ToolKit: a great source for videos that review diabetes knowledge and basics


Importance of Increased Training for Teachers:  An study from BMC Health that makes a case for support of the importance of training teachers in diabetes management and the critical role of the school nurse.

Tips to help Teachers keep kids safe at school: Training presentation specific for teachers to address basics in providing a safe & supportive environment for their students with diabetes.

NCSBN_5_rights_delegation: From the National Council of State Boards of Nursing – a checklist to assist nurses from multiple roles to clarify the critical elements of the decision-making process.

Guidance on Delegation for School Nurses and Child Care Health Consultants 2024: Provides guidance on delegation and specific procedures/tasks for Colorado Nurses

ADA CGM Guidelines in school setting